Planted's New Plant-Based Winter Roast
Choosing plant-based meat has never been as diverse as in recent years. However, during the winter season, many find themselves pondering in front of the shelves: What can or should it be? Traditional holiday delights like roasted goose, duck, and meatloaf have been elusive for those opting for plant-based options - until now. Enter Planted, the Swiss food-tech startup, putting an end to this dilemma by reintroducing their "ready-to-cook" roast, following last year's success. This year, they present the planted.braten, a delectable roast that simply requires oven cooking. Presented in a classic roast style, it comes complete with a rich, roasted-flavor gravy specially crafted by renowned chef Sebastian Copien. And all of this is made using exclusively natural ingredients, boasting the shortest ingredient list a plant-based roast can have.
Plant-Based Delight in an Instant
Whether you're dining out, socializing with friends, or attending festive gatherings, those choosing to abstain from animal products often face culinary challenges. Especially during the winter festivities, preparing plant-based meat dishes usually demands extra effort, burdening already tight schedules. With the Winter Roast, 100% animal-free indulgence now graces ovens across the nation - and it's quick and ready-to-cook. This delectable piece, crafted from plant proteins, only needs 25 minutes. Thoughtfully blended spices, dried plums, Dijon mustard, and a gravy co-developed by Chef Sebastian Copien enhance the flavor experience.
Roast Reloaded
Made with exclusively natural ingredients, without additives or artificial flavors, and featuring the shortest ingredient list, this exceptional creation earns the coveted title of "Clean Label." Not only does it impress with its unique taste, but its fibrous texture is almost indistinguishable from traditional animal meat. What's more, following last year's overwhelming success, when the roast was available in limited quantities, this year, the Winter Roast is not only more abundant and available for an extended period (beyond the holiday season), but the sauce recipe has also been further refined. This enhancement is bound to bring joy not just to existing planted.braten fans but also to new enthusiasts.