Valentines beetroot ravioli

Duration: 120 Min
Difficulty: Medium


2 Portions
180 g planted.pulled Spicy Herbs
300 g “Agria”  Potatoes
150 g white cabbage
1 yellow onion
2-3 spoons Olive oil
60 ml of white wine
t.t salt
t.t pepper
Beurre Blanc sauce:
60 g celery root
1 clove of garlic
1 small onion
90 ml White wine
Dash of white wine vinegar
100 ml Vegan cream
60 g margarine
t.t. Horse radish
40 g Hazel nut
t.t Horseradish


Peel the potatoes and cook in salted water until soft. Clean the white cabbage by removing the first 1 or 2 layers and then proceed to slice it very finely. Peel one onion and slice it into tiny cubes.
In a pot add a couple of spoons of olive oil, add the onions and gently fry until soft and translucent. Turn the heat up, add the cabbage, fry for few minutes and then deglaze with the white wine. Turn the heat down and allow the cabbage to stew until all the water evaporated. Adjust the flavor with salt and pepper to taste.
Once the potatoes are soft, remove from water and let them rest for a couple of minute after that proceed to mash into pure. Adjust the taste accordingly to your palate with salt and pepper.
Fry at medium-high heat the planted.pulled Spicy Herbs in a couple of spoons of vegetable oil. Roughly cut it into cubes.
Combine the mashed potatoes, the Planted and the cabbage in a large bowl, mix well and set aside.
In a small pot bring the beetroot juice to boiling point add a pinch of salt, remove from heat and add it to the flour. Start forming the dough in the bowl and then transfer it on the table and knead for 10-15 min until the surface is smooth and bouncy. With the help of a pasta machine, stretch the dough until is 1 mm thick. Using a round dough cutter of 7 cm to cut the dough into circles.
In every circle drop more or less 8 g of filling and with a bit of water close the ravioli into tortelloni shape by folding one edge on the other and then twisting the half-moon on your finger and gluing the two tips on eachother. Lightly dust the ravioli with a bit of flour, put into a closed container and set aside.
Peel and finley chop the vegetables for the beurre blanc. In a small pot sweat the veggies without coloring them. Add white wine, vegan cream and a dash of white wine vinegar and cook until reduced to 1/3. Strain the from the vegetables, while whisking, emulsify the sauce by adding bit by bit the margarine and some extra vegan cream.
Cook the ravioli in boiling salted water for a couple of minutes.
Serve with the hot beurre blanc sauce, a pinch of freshly grated hazelnut and some freshly grated horseradish to taste.

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